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What… Dr. Berg is a Scientologist?

Read Dr. Berg’s Response to an Interview Related to Scientology.

Dr. Berg answers questions about Scientology and his personal beliefs

Q: Are you a Scientologist?
Yes. I have been a Scientologist for 30 years. My whole life has been searching for wisdom. This search led me to discover Scientology in 1993. It’s the same drive for truth that has fueled my work in health and wellness.

Q: What does the word Scientology mean?
The term comes from the Latin scio, meaning “knowing or knowledge,” and the Greek logos, “study of.” It is a science of knowledge.

Q: Why don’t you ever mention Scientology in your videos?
It’s not appropriate. My health channel is about health, not my philosophy or religion. I respect other people’s viewpoints, no matter their faith or lack of it. People can believe and have whatever viewpoint they wish. It makes life interesting. I judge people based on their character, not what religion they are. Is he or she a good person? Do they treat others well? These are qualities I respect.

Q: What made you look into Scientology, a subject so controversial to say the least?
In my first associate job in the early ‘90s, the lead doctor told me, whatever you do, don’t ever get into Scientology, it’s weird, it’s a cult, they will take all your money, you’ll go bankrupt, and end up getting a divorce.

That was interesting because that doctor WAS going broke, filing for bankruptcy, AND getting a divorce. His comments made me want to look into the subject even more. You tell me NOT to look, I will look. I asked this doctor what made him say this – did he personally have a bad experience? He never had any contact with the subject, never did any Scientology courses, or even read a Scientology book. It was based on rumors.

So I decided to check it out – ordered one of Mr. Hubbard’s books about study and learning, and started reading it.

My validation process on what is true or false is not blindly following mainstream anything – science, religion, philosophy, or politics. I want to know and understand how things work. If there is something helpful or useful I will learn and use it. What I found out in Scientology was the opposite of what a few overly critical people were saying.

The first book I read in Scientology, The Basic Study Manual, gave me a completely new method on how to study and learn. In school, I struggled to get good grades and thought I just wasn’t smart enough. But in truth after reading this book, I realized I was never taught the best way to learn or study something. I was instead told to memorize things. Memorization is not learning or understanding.

After reading this book, I became obsessed with learning and could take something complex and get through it, as compared to reading something, getting to the end, and wondering, “What did I just read?” I said to myself, “If this is Scientology, sign me up – what else do you have?”

You can take a free online course on Mr. Hubbard’s study methods.
Learn more here.

Q: What types of things in Scientology do you donate to?

Great question!

I donate to a campaign called The Truth About Drugs, run by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, a non-religious, non-profit that is sponsored by the Church of Scientology. More than 3.4 million children around the world have pledged to be “Drug-Free Marshals,” sending a positive message to their friends and communities.

I also donate to the United for Human Rights campaign, an organization that works to promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document drafted by the United Nations in 1948. They work with teachers, students, governments, and other agencies worldwide to enlighten people on the 30 articles of the Declaration, with the ultimate goal of passing them as law internationally. Through PSAs and a parallel campaign, Youth for Human Rights, they’ve reached educators and children in 150 nations.

Q: Why do you think Scientology is talked about in a negative light and attacked?

This is fascinating to me.

Because if you read a book by L. Ron Hubbard, it’s filled with principles that help your survival and to be successful in all aspects of life – that is what it’s about. But of course, people won’t even look if it’s labeled as strange or weird.

Mr. Hubbard had an amazing way of isolating the key principles behind methods. He called them Stable Datums. Knowing these principles gives you an unfair advantage in solving problems, learning complex things, improving relationships, handling stress, etc.

One of the biggest and most interesting things he discovered is related to the mind. People confuse the mind with the brain. Part of the mind called the Reactive Mind, tends to hold past pictures of pain, trauma, injuries, and losses. These accumulate over time making a person less enthusiastic about life, adding more stress. He developed a simple technique to relieve all this old, accumulated stress and loss. It’s kept me young mentally and physically.

Why in the world would anyone be against this is beyond me. It’s positive, it helps people.

We live in a PR world with hidden agendas all over the place. This is why I rarely listen to mainstream news, as I feel they are slowly trying to indoctrinate me. At least Scientology doesn’t tell you what to believe, it’s just, “Here’s some helpful information, see if you can use it.” – but it’s not something you have to believe in. I find it to be super helpful, practical, common sense stuff.

I have done almost every service and read every book and never found anything weird at all.

There are so many tools and courses that increase one’s ability to help. My viewpoint is always to do your OWN research and YOU decide what is true for you. My advice is to use original sources.

Q: If someone wanted to know the truth about Scientology, what would you recommend?

Read a book directly from the source, not secondhand or biased sources. Here are a few books I would recommend:

Dianetics is a book about the mind and its relationship to the body. Click here to get a free sample from the publisher. (

Self Analysis contains simple exercises you can do to improve memory, reaction time, and overall outlook. Learn more here. (

Scientology: A New Slant on Life

The Basic Study Manual (

You can even take free courses online (a few of my favorites):

How to predict the behavior of others, and see how emotion relates to health and wellness. Learn more here. (

How to improve relationships and gain cooperation from others. Learn more here. (

How to set and achieve personal and professional goals. Learn more here. (

How to find the correct cause of any difficulty, and find correct information on any subject. Learn more here. (

How to overcome ups and downs in life. Learn more here.  (

Natural remedies for stress, anxiety, and depression. Learn more here. (

Help alleviate pain and discomfort by addressing the spiritual relationship with the body. Learn more here. (

Plus these sources:

Q: Explain the term “purif.”

This is an abbreviation for the Purification Rundown®, a detoxification process involving a sauna, exercise, and supplements. It’s based on the book Clear Body, Clear Mind. I did it in the early ‘90s and it really improved my health and mental clarity.

Q: What would you say to those who believe Scientology is a “cult?”

Silly – ridiculous! It’s the opposite of a cult. There is no brainwashing going on. It’s all about increasing awareness about life, thinking for yourself, and being yourself.

Q: Some strongly believe that Scientology “traffics” its members for labor. What are your views on this as a member yourself?

You must be kidding, right? No, this is 1000 percent a lie.

Q: How has auditing positively affected you?

Auditing is Scientology counseling. I had issues before Scientology – low self-esteem, a lot of brain chatter, bored with life, and extremely scattered. Scientology strips off the baggage (and I had tons) and just makes you more you. Scientology has a fascinating method of helping you find the exact reason or “thing” that stops you or causes you to be something that you are not. For me, one hour of this counseling is like 2 years of therapy as far as how effective it is.

Q: What are some common misconceptions of Scientology held by society today?

I think the biggest one is that it’s weird or strange. It’s not – if you read a book on the topic I would venture to say that you would agree with the concepts and find all of it extremely helpful and practical. Believe me, I would not waste my time or get involved in something unless it made a lot of sense and helps people. Scientology brings significant benefits to mankind – it helps everyone. There are effective programs for education, drug rehab, human rights, psychiatric abuse, criminal reform, and much more.

Q: What is one of your favorite Basic Principles?

My favorite is the Tone Scale (emotional scale). This emotional scale from low to high is a huge discovery of how people behave. In other words, if you know the emotion of a person, you can accurately predict how they will act and behave. People that are chronically in anger for example distort the truth, “You always…!!!” or “You never…!!!” Everyone has a superficial social emotional tone they present to the people in their environment and another level which, if triggered by some form of stress, you see a completely different emotional tone and behavior. This comes in handy when in relationships big time. It’s also extremely beneficial in business because you don’t want to accept just everyone (client or patient).  You also get to learn where you are on this scale and find out how to control your own emotions.

There’s a certain point on the scale where it’s the make-break point. Above that point, life goes well. You attract more good things, and you become luckier. But below that emotional point, I would not recommend going to Las Vegas, because you’re going to lose – lots of bad luck.  The higher on the tone scale, your life dynamics are under your control and when you put out a goal it becomes a reality.

Maybe you heard about The Secret, Laws of Attraction, or Think and Grow Rich, which involve your positive thinking attracting positive things. Well, what happens when you don’t feel that positive or you are lower on the emotional scale? If you understand the Tone Scale, you will find out that the lower you are on the scale, the more things work in reverse. The more you want it, the less you’ll get it. You definitely get things you DON’T want.

Q: What is your attitude toward other religions, and how would you compare them with Scientology?

I have great respect for other religions and other viewpoints. Who am I to judge or evaluate another’s viewpoint? Scientology is non-denominational and can help other faiths because it has tools that other religions can (and do) use. Personally, the goal of Scientology is not to get more people into it but to give people tools to improve their lives and help make this planet a nice place to live. To me, it’s not about what religion you are, it’s about what kind of person you are.

Dr. Eric Berg

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